July 3rd- Moving Day
Worked a half day in the office packing up remaining items while movers and family were loading up boxes and furniture at the house.
Apparently our purge wasn't as good as first thought because our huge moving truck was packed solid but many items were still remaining in the garage. With the late start, I70 was a complete mess so the bonus was I got to slowly say goodbye to all the Front Range trails I could spot from my perch along my westbound parking lot. 5 hours later we were in Steamboat!
July 4th- Settling In
Began the work of un-boxing ourselves and all the contents one collects over the years. As I was doing this I began to think of all the folks of a like mind who wax poetically about only owning what they can fit into a car. I quickly reminded myself that my three ladies and my 155 pound Newfie require a bit more than running shoes, sleeping bag, and a good french press. Still, it's always a good reminder that less is more. As the day wore on, Mount Werner kept calling and as faithfully as I could I heeded the call when Eron and the kiddos took a break from our move to head downtown. After my out and back summit I began working on a 6er my buddy Todd got me as a going away present, Red Porter from Black Shirt Brewing. Well worth the wait and tasted great! Scott and Crystal came over with their little boy and we closed out our 1st full day in Steamboat watching the fireworks.
July 5th- Still Settling in
Woke up early to make breakfast for everyone. Fresh blueberry coffee cake, eggs, and bacon, yum! Got everyone squared up with a plate and then I put the pot of coffee I drank to good use and began un-boxing, constructing, and hanging. By mid day the house was really getting tied together. I found a stopping point and threw the shoes on and hit the trail. Never really found a groove in the run as my mind was on the remaining boxes and cleaning that needed to be taken care of down at the Lakewood house. I called it after 7 miles.
Knowing Holiday traffic was going to be a bitch on Sunday I talked myself into leaving the fun of the Boat late Saturday night. I got into Lakewood after 10:30pm, exhausted I slipped into my sleeping bag. Nothing worse then sleeping in a empty house...
July 6th Sunday Funday
Pinged Todd and Pat that I was headed down the hill and wanted to get out for a early a.m. run if they were open. Pat picked me up a 5:30am and we headed over to Toddy boy's for what turned out to be a Sun's out Guns out All out heavy 20k race through Todd's home trails. If I do anything special at UTMB this year it will have a lot to do with these guys kicking my ass on a weekly bases.
After running I headed over to the French Press where I easily handled a plate of some of the tastiest Huevos Ranchos and a stack of pancakes for good measure. After breakfast I got back to the house and moved the rest of the boxes and cleaned. Once I was done I did a final walk through and found myself standing in the dining room, even though it was now empty, I could hear the laughter around where the dining room table once sat and I thanked my house for being good to my family for the past four years. And, with that I grabbed my bag and walked out the door for the last time.
July 7th- Last day in the office
Spent the day prepping for my trip to MN. After work I pulled into Green Mountain trail head parking lot and ran an easy 7. Lack of sleep, moving, and general fatigue has set in a bit.
July 8th
Squeezed 9 miles in on Green Mountain before jumping my plane to the Twin Cites. Legs feel like they're coming around but still can't shake the fatigue of moving and being constantly on the move the past few days.
Eron called later that day and said we had our first 4 legged visitor to the house last night. Mr. Bear was looking for a late night snack I guess.
July 9th- Biz
Spent the morning doing research before meeting with clients. Tuesday's weak action in the markets brought all the bears out to talk about how negative the prospects of the market are moving forward, but the devil is still in the details and technically speaking there was no tangible impact to the trend in the market as the S&P 500 is still only a few point from it's all time high, and of greater importance 340 points above its 52 week low. Trend remains bullishly intact for now. Very hard to predict what will lead to a correction of some significance say 10% which would be very healthy. FED minutes this week state and end to purchases in October, to me sometime between now and the end of August I think we will see a big spike in volatility as the smart money will take profit and begin to look for the next move higher.
Ran 6 on the lame ole mill at the hotel, threw some core work in for good measure.
July 10th
Woke up early to futures in full free fall due to a Portuguese Bank. Best I can tell at this time is the issue is isolated to a small part of the bank in question itself and for the time being doesn't scream to me as a "Canary in the Coal Mine" type of incident.
Euro Banks have never really left my mind since the crises and will continue to be minded by me as without a "United States of Europe" there is no monetary union that I believe can clearly deal with the liquidity issues these banks will face down the road.
Only had time for and easy 6 on the roads around the hotel with most of day spent in meetings with clients.
July 11th
Homebound finally!! No run. Got home and did a daddy date with Emma up at the free concert at the base of the gondola.
July 12th
Up up up Mount Werner via Valley View Trail. Once I peaked out on Storm I hit the backside of the mountain on the Mountain View trail all the way out to Long Lake then turned down to Fish Creek Falls trail then onto the Blvd and back home. Almost 26 miles 4800 and vert., I need everyday for the rest of July to be like this if I want to be ready for UTMB in August.
July 1st I turned 36. Almost two weeks since we went from living in Lakewood to living the good life in Steamboat Springs! I look forward to taking note of our adventures.
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